ObjVerExReadCacheResolve Method

Overload List

Resolve(IEnumerableLookup, SessionInfo) Resolves a set of ObjVerEx instances with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(IEnumerableObjID, SessionInfo) Resolves a set of ObjVerEx instances with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(IEnumerableObjVer, SessionInfo) Resolves a set of ObjVerEx instances with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(Lookup, SessionInfo) Resolves an ObjVerEx instance with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(Lookups, SessionInfo) Resolves a set of ObjVerEx instances with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(ObjID, SessionInfo) Resolves an ObjVerEx instance with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(ObjIDs, SessionInfo) Resolves a set of ObjVerEx instances with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(ObjVer, SessionInfo) Resolves an ObjVerEx instance with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(ObjVers, SessionInfo) Resolves a set of ObjVerEx instances with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded.
Resolve(IEnumerableObjVerEx, SessionInfo, Boolean) Resolves a set of loaded ObjVerEx instances from the ones provided. If an instance is already cached, it is returned. If a passed instance is loaded (but not cached), it will be cached and returned. If a passed instance is not loaded (and not cached), it will be loaded, cached and returned. If an instance does not exist it is removed from the list.

See Also