ObjVerExReadCacheResolve(IEnumerableObjVerEx, SessionInfo, Boolean) Method

Resolves a set of loaded ObjVerEx instances from the ones provided. If an instance is already cached, it is returned. If a passed instance is loaded (but not cached), it will be cached and returned. If a passed instance is not loaded (and not cached), it will be loaded, cached and returned. If an instance does not exist it is removed from the list.


Namespace: MFiles.VAF.Placeholders
Assembly: MFiles.VAF (in MFiles.VAF.dll) Version: 24.1.706.1
public List<ObjVerEx> Resolve(
	IEnumerable<ObjVerEx> objVerExs,
	SessionInfo userSession = null,
	bool allowMissing = true


objVerExs  IEnumerableObjVerEx
References to the objects to load.
userSession  SessionInfo  (Optional)
The current user session if applicable (can be null).
allowMissing  Boolean  (Optional)
Indicates whether missing ObjVerEx's will cause an error, or simply not load.

Return Value

A collection ObjVerEx instance with the ObjectVersion and Properties already loaded

See Also