TaskQueueManagerTaskQueue Constructor

Self initializing constructor.


Namespace: MFiles.VAF.Common.ApplicationTaskQueue
Assembly: MFiles.VAF (in MFiles.VAF.dll) Version: 24.1.706.1
public TaskQueue(
	TaskQueueManager manager,
	string name,
	MFTaskQueueProcessingBehavior processingBehavior,
	TaskQueueManagerTaskType taskType,
	IApplicationTaskProcessor taskProcessor,
	int maximumPollingIntervalInSeconds = 30,
	string lastBroadcastId = ""


manager  TaskQueueManager
Task queue name manager.
name  String
Task queue name / identifier.
processingBehavior  MFTaskQueueProcessingBehavior
Processing behavior type.
taskType  TaskQueueManagerTaskType
Defines the type of tasks that can be processed by this task queue.
taskProcessor  IApplicationTaskProcessor
Task processor for this queue.
maximumPollingIntervalInSeconds  Int32  (Optional)
The max time in seconds that can pass before a polling cycle is ran for this queue.
lastBroadcastId  String  (Optional)
The last processed broadcast id, defaults to empty string.

See Also