ChildName |
The generic name for the children of this type.
If not specified, the un-namespaced child type editor name is used.
Controls the default label for children (e.g. "{ChildName} [1]")
and the add new button (e.g. "Add new {ChildName}").
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
ChildTypeEditor |
The name of the default/custom type editor that should be used for this value's children.
If this value is set, and TypeEditor isn't, the "array" will be assumed as the TypeEditor.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
ClearOnCopy |
When true, the value of this field is clear when creating a copying of the item in the editor.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
Commentable |
Indicates whether the item can be commented.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
DefaultValue |
The default value for this type/member.
Only works for simple values.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
DocReference |
A short text for the member or type so users understand it's purpose, how/when to use it, etc...
May be displayed as a tool tip or in other context specific places.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
ExtendsEditor |
The name of the type editor that should be extended for this value.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
ForceChildLeafBehavior |
If set to true, forces the child items of an array in the configurators navigation tree (not the grid)
to be rendered as a leaf node, preventing their children from being shown
in the tree. This option has no effect on an item
that would already classify as a leaf.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
ForceLeafBehavior |
If set to true, forces an item in the configurators navigation tree (not the grid)
to be rendered as a leaf node, preventing the items children from being shown
in the tree. This option has no effect on an item
that would already classify as a leaf.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
HelpText |
A short text for the member or type so users understand it's purpose, how/when to use it, etc...
May be displayed as a tool tip or in other context specific places.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
HelpTextResourceId |
Same as the help text but a localizable resource id instead of hard coded text. Both can be
specified but the resource based text is used in the first place.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
Hidden |
Used to prevent a value/key from appearing in the editor. If specified on an object (complex type),
none of it's children will be visible.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
HideWhen |
Visibility condition. Via JSPath.
When true, the value is hidden in the Editor.
HideWhen = ".SiblingProperty == 'Test' "
HideWhen = ".SiblingProperty{.NestedProperty == 'Test'} "
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
IsRequired |
Validation option. If this is set to true, and no value is specified, a validation
message will be shown to the user.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
Label |
The human readable name to show for this value.
If not specified, the member or type name will be shown.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
Max | Indicates the maximum value to allow in the editor. Defaults to int.MaxValue which passes undefined (no max) to the schema. |
Min | Indicates the minimum value to allow in the editor. Defaults to int.MinValue which passes undefined (no min) to the schema. |
NameMember |
The member whose value can be used as a unique name for an instance of the type.
Useful when displaying objects in a list (array).
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
Options |
Additional options to pass to the editor. Specified in json.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
RegExMask |
When provided, the regular expression mask will be enforced as a validation requirement.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
ResourceIdPrefix |
Prefix that can be pre-pended to resource id strings in localizable string properties.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
ShowWhen |
Visibility condition. Via JSPath.
When true, the value is shown in the Editor.
ShowWhen = ".SiblingProperty == 'Test' "
ShowWhen = ".SiblingProperty{.NestedProperty == 'Test'} "
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
Step | Indicates the amount by which a value is increased or decreased in the editor. (When clicking up and down arrows/icons.) Defaults to zero, meaning no step specified. |
TypeEditor |
The name of the default/custom type editor that should be used for this value.
If not specified the system will choose the editor based on the type, and may
generate an editor dynamically.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
UseNonPublicMembers |
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
UsesAdapter |
Used in conjunction with an editor that is tagged as "IsAdapter = True".
Members where the UsesAdapter = True / The items editor has IsAdapter = True
are piped through the adapter for updates.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |
ValueMember |
If a simple value can be directly cast to this type,
this is the member of the type that the value will be set to.
(Inherited from JsonConfEditorAttribute) |