RegistryHelper Methods


CreateKey Creates a registry key.
DeleteRegKey(UIntPtr, RegistryHelperRegistryAccessFlags, String) Deletes the registry key. The key must not have subkeys.
DeleteRegKey(UIntPtr, RegistryHelperRegSAM, String) Deletes the registry key. The key must not have subkeys.
DeleteRegKeyEx_Wrapper Deletes the registry key. Deals with missing implementation on pre-XP SP2 systems. The key must not have subkeys.
DeleteRegValue Deletes the registry value.
EnumSubkeyByIndex Enumerates a sub-key of the given key specified by index.
EnumSubkeys Enumerates all sub-keys. If key is missing, return empty vector.
GetProcAddress Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified dynamic-link library (DLL).
IsWow64Process Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64 or an Intel64 of x64 processor.
OpenKey Tries to open registry key. If the key cannot be found, pbExists receives false.
ReadRegValue(UIntPtr, RegistryHelperRegistryAccessFlags, String, String) Reads RegValue from registry. If the key or value is missing, tells it.
ReadRegValue(UIntPtr, RegistryHelperRegistryAccessFlags, String, String, RegistryHelperRegSAM) Reads RegValue from registry. If the key or value is missing, tells it.
RegCloseKey Closes a handle to the specified registry key.
RegDeleteKey Deletes a subkey and its values. Note that key names are not case sensitive. - 64-bit Windows: On WOW64, 32-bit applications view a registry tree that is separate from the registry tree that 64-bit applications view. To enable an application to delete an entry in the alternate registry view, use the RegDeleteKeyEx function.
RegDeleteKeyEx Deletes a subkey and its values from the specified platform-specific view of the registry. Note that key names are not case sensitive. - To delete a subkey as a transacted operation, call the RegDeleteKeyTransacted function.
RegDeleteValue Removes a named value from the specified registry key. Note that value names are not case sensitive.
WriteRegValue Writes the specified value to the registry.

See Also