MFPropertyValuesBuilder Class

Provides chainable convenience methods for defining a new object's properties. Allows properties passed as aliases, by looking up the correct IDs.


Namespace: MFiles.VAF.Common
Assembly: MFiles.VAF (in MFiles.VAF.dll) Version: 24.1.706.1
public class MFPropertyValuesBuilder
Object    MFPropertyValuesBuilder


MFPropertyValuesBuilder(Vault) Creates a new instance with an empty PropertyValues collection.
MFPropertyValuesBuilder(Vault, PropertyValues) Creates a new instance that wraps a copy of the passed property values.


HumanReadable A human readable string of the set property values.
Values The propertyValues that this object wraps.
Vault The vault to which the property values will be saved.


Add(PropertyValue) Adds a property value to the list.
Add(MFIdentifier, TypedValue) Adds a property value to the list.
Add(Object, TypedValue) Adds a property value to the list.
Add(MFIdentifier, MFDataType, Object) Adds a property value to the list.
Add(Object, MFDataType, Object) Adds a property value to the list.
AddLookup(MFIdentifier, MFIdentifier) Adds a lookup to the passed property value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist.
AddLookup(Object, Object) Adds a lookup to the passed property value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist.
AddLookup(MFIdentifier, ObjVer, Boolean) Adds a lookup to the passed property value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist.
AddLookup(Object, ObjVer, Boolean) Adds a lookup to the passed property value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist.
CopyFrom(ObjVerEx, MFIdentifier) Copies a set of property values from the passed object to this set of property values.
CopyFrom(ObjVerEx, Object) Copies a set of property values from the passed object to this set of property values.
CopyFrom(PropertyValues, MFIdentifier) Copies a set of property values to this set.
CopyFrom(PropertyValues, Object) Copies a set of property values to this set.
Remove(MFIdentifier) Removes the specified property value.
Remove(Object) Removes the specified property value.
RemoveLookup(MFIdentifier, MFIdentifier) Removes a lookup value from a particular property, if set.
RemoveLookup(Object, Object) Removes a lookup value from a particular property, if set.
RemoveSystemProperties Removes all the built-in properties. Properties to remove: MFBuiltInPropertyDefCreated, MFBuiltInPropertyDefCreatedBy, MFBuiltInPropertyDefLastModified, MFBuiltInPropertyDefLastModifiedBy, MFBuiltInPropertyDefStatusChanged, MFBuiltInPropertyDefSizeOnServerThisVersion, MFBuiltInPropertyDefSizeOnServerAllVersions, MFBuiltInPropertyDefStateEntered, MFBuiltInPropertyDefObjectChanged
SetClass(MFIdentifier) Sets the class property.
SetClass(Object) Sets the class property.
SetLookup(MFIdentifier, MFIdentifier) Sets a property to contain one lookup value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist. Works on both SSLU and MSLU.
SetLookup(Object, Object) Sets a property to contain one lookup value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist. Works on both SSLU and MSLU.
SetLookup(MFIdentifier, ObjVer, Boolean) Sets a property to contain one lookup value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist. Works on both SSLU and MSLU, and optionally allows the specific version to be specified.
SetLookup(MFIdentifier, Int32, Int32) Sets a property to contain one lookup value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist. Works on both SSLU and MSLU, and optionally allows the specific version to be specified.
SetLookup(Object, ObjVer, Boolean) Sets a property to contain one lookup value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist. Works on both SSLU and MSLU, and optionally allows the specific version to be specified.
SetLookup(Object, Int32, Int32) Sets a property to contain one lookup value. Creating it if it doesn't already exist. Works on both SSLU and MSLU, and optionally allows the specific version to be specified.
SetSFD Sets the SingleFileDocument property.
SetTitle(String, MFIdentifier) Sets the default title property, and also optionally the custom one defined in a class.
SetTitle(String, Object) Sets the default title property, and also optionally the custom one defined in a class.
SetWorkflowState(MFIdentifier, MFIdentifier) Sets the workflow and state properties.
SetWorkflowState(Object, Object) Sets the workflow and state properties.

See Also