TaskProcessorBaseTSettings Class

Application task processor base class. The TaskQueueManager object delegates tasks to this task processor via the ProcessTasks(Vault, IEnumerableApplicationTask, CancellationToken)() method. Exposes event, JobCreated.


Namespace: MFiles.VAF.MultiserverMode
Assembly: MFiles.VAF (in MFiles.VAF.dll) Version: 24.1.706.1
public abstract class TaskProcessorBase<TSettings> : CancellableOperation<ApplicationTask>, 
where TSettings : AppTaskProcessorSettings
Object    CancellableOperationApplicationTask    TaskProcessorBaseTSettings

Type Parameters



TaskProcessorBaseTSettings Primary constructor.


CurrentServer Holds the attachment info for this server.
Data Data value clone container.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
LinkedTokenSource Protected linked cancellation token source. - Used to request cancellation of the process.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
Settings Task processor settings.
Task The system task that processes this operation.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
Token Linked cancellation token.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)


AllowNewTaskRequests This will denote if new tasks can be accepted by the task processor.
AllowNewTaskRequests(Boolean) This will update the allow new task requests getter method AllowNewTaskRequests. Note that this may or may not actually change the value, since multiple requests may be required to actually toggle the value since it may be used in multiple threads.
BroadcastVaultExtensionMethodCall(Int32, Vault, ListString) Re-Broadcast the broadcast message so all servers.
BroadcastVaultExtensionMethodCall(String, Int32, Vault, ListString) Creates a broadcast message so all servers => receive the VEM call.
BroadcastVaultExtensionMethodCall(String, Int32, Vault, VaultServerAttachments, ListString) Creates a broadcast message so all servers => receive the VEM call.
CanAcceptNewTasks Used to determine if the task processor is able to receive new tasks for processing.
CanCancelTask Determines if the app task can be canceled .
Cancel Requests cancellation of the operation.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
CancelAfter Requests cancellation of the operation.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
CanUpdateProgress Determines if the app task can have its progress updated.
CreateApplicationTaskSafe Helper method used to create a task in the task queue, accounting for the potential that the task queue has been destroyed. - If the task queue is not found, the RegisterTaskQueue() method is called, then the create task is attempted a 2nd time.
CreateApplicationTaskSafeInTransaction Helper method used to create a task in the task queue, accounting for the potential that the task queue has been destroyed. - If the task queue is not found, the RegisterTaskQueue() method is called, then the create task is attempted a 2nd time.
GetLatestTaskInfo Resolves the latest task info, by id from the server.
InjectBuiltInHandlers Injects built in task handlers.
OnCancellationRequested Cancellation requested event invocation.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
OnJobCreated Job created event invocation.
ProcessTasks Triggers the processing of the application tasks.
RegisterTaskQueues Verifies that the task queue is open. - Opens the queue if it is found to be missing.
ResetCancellationToken Resets the cancellation token source.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
SendBroadcastMessageSafe Helper method used to send an application task queue broadcast message, accounting for the potential that the task queue has been destroyed. - If the task queue is not found, the RegisterTaskQueue() method is called, then the message creation - is attempted a 2nd time.
SendBroadcastMessageSafeInTransaction Helper method used to send an application task queue broadcast message, accounting for the potential that the task queue has been destroyed. - If the task queue is not found, the RegisterTaskQueue() method is called, then the message creation - is attempted a 2nd time.
TaskHandler_VaultExtMethodCaller Generic vault extension method caller.
ThrowIfCancellationRequested If cancellation has been requested: - The CancellationRequest event is fired. - Then the cancellation exception is thrown.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
ThrowIfNull Asserts the passed object is not null.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
TriggerCancellationRequested Triggers the cancellation requested event, for any registered listeners.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
TriggerPolling Triggers polling right away for the TaskQueueManager.
TryGetStatusInfo Resolves the status info, when available. - Null otherwise.
TryGetTraceInfo Resolves the trace info, when available and configured to do so. - Null otherwise.
UnregisterTaskQueues Detaches the task queue in the settings object for this processor from monitoring by the TaskQueueMonitor.
UpdateCancelledJobInTaskQueue(ApplicationTask, String, String, Boolean) Updates the passed job as having been cancelled in the task queue.
UpdateCancelledJobInTaskQueue(TaskProcessorJob, String, String, Boolean) Updates the passed job as having been cancelled in the task queue.
UpdateCompletedJobInTaskQueue(ApplicationTask, String, String, Boolean) Updates the completed app task in the task queue.
UpdateCompletedJobInTaskQueue(TaskProcessorJob, String, String, Boolean) Updates the completed app task in the task queue.
UpdateFailedJobInTaskQueue(ApplicationTask, String, Exception, String, Boolean) Updates the task in the application task queue, with failed info.
UpdateFailedJobInTaskQueue(TaskProcessorJob, String, Exception, String, Boolean) Updates the task in the application task queue, with failed info.
UpdateTaskAsAssignedToProcessor Update task info as having been assigned implementation.
UpdateTaskInfo(ApplicationTask, MFTaskState, String, Boolean) Updates the task info inside the task queue for the passed application task.
UpdateTaskInfo(TaskProcessorJob, MFTaskState, String, Boolean) Update task info implementation.
UpdateTasksInProgress Updates the progress in the task queue. - This check is part of the required keep alive updates to the task queue.
WaitAll Waits for all active tasks to complete.


CancellationRequested Event fired on cancellation requested.
(Inherited from CancellableOperationT)
JobCreated Job created event.


TaskQueueNotFound Task Queue 'Not found.' - HR Code.

See Also