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Installing Applications

M-Files UI Extensions are managed using the M-Files Admin tool.


  1. You have created an Application Package by creating a ZIP archive from your development folder.
  2. You have access to M-Files Admin tool, whicn can connect to M-Files Server.
  3. You have configured the M-Files Web application, and can access this via a standard web browser.

Installing the UI Extension

  1. Open the M-Files Admin tool and connect to your M-Files server.
  2. Right-click on the vault name on the M-Files Admin and select the Applications from the Context menu.
  3. From the Applications window (See Image 1) click the Install button from the bottom of the window.
  4. Select the Application Package you have created previously and click 1Open1 button.

Image1: Applications window where you can Install and Remove UI Extensions  alt text


You may need to log out and back into the M-Files client to see the new application.

Updating the UI Extension

Applications are differentiated by their Application GUID and version number, which are defined in the Application Manifest. If the Application with same version number has already been installed Already Exists error message is shown.

To update a new version the version number field in the appdef.xml file must be increased above the previous version.


Alternatively you can remove the application and install it again.


You may need to log out and back into the M-Files client to see the changes.

Removing the UI Extension

You can remove the UI Extension application From the Applications window (See Image1)

  1. Select the application to uninstall.
  2. Click Uninstall button.
  3. Confirm the uninstall by answering Yes or No to the confirm dialog.