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Runs the specified vault extension method. Prefer this method over 'ExecuteExtensionMethod' and 'ExecuteExtensionMethodEx' methods.


// Assumes shellUI has been initialized with IShellUI instance
const results =
await shellUI.Vault.VaultExtensionMethodsOperations.RunExtensionMethod({
application_id: "<application_id>",
extension: "<extension>",
instance: "<instance>",
method_name: "<method_name>",
input: "<input>",
compressed_input: new Uint8Array(),


application_idThe guid of the target application. Set all-zero guid if the extension method is not bound to an application but VBScript event handler.string
extensionThe identifier of the vault extension implementing the extension method. Set empty string if the extension method is not bound to an application but VBScript event handler.string
instanceThe identifier of the vault extension instance that implements the extension method. Set empty string if the extension method is not bound to an application but VBScript event handler.string
method_nameThe method identifier. With application this is the extension method name. With VBScript event handlers this is the event handler name of 'VaultExtensionMethod' handler that receives the call.string
inputThe method input as a clear text. Use empty string if compressed input field is used instead.string
compressed_inputThe method input as compressed data (utf8 text as zlib-compressed byte array). Use empty data if the clear-text input is set.Uint8Array

Return type

outputThe method output as a clear text. Empty string if compressed output field is used instead.string
compressed_outputThe method input as compressed data (utf8 text as zlib-compressed byte array). Empty data if the clear-text output was used.Uint8Array


"output": "<output>",
"compressed_output": 0 /*Uint8Array*/