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Object class.

base_infoValue list item representing this document class.ValueListItem
associated_property_defsPropertyDefs associated with this class.AssociatedPropertyDef[]
default_workflowThe default workflow of the document class, or zero if there is no default workflow.number
object_typeThe object type with which this class is used.number
name_property_defThe ID of the property definition that represents the name of the document or other object. Typically PROPERTYDEF_TITLE (0).number
force_workflowTrue if the use of the specified workflow is forced.boolean
aclSpecifies the ACL that defines the visibility and other permission settings of this class. Also specifies who can attach objects to this class.AccessControlList
current_user_permissionsIf not NULL, specifies the permissions for current user that defines the visibility and other permission settings of this class.ClassPermissionsForClient
is_object_type_default_classTODO: Move the acl field to MF_ValueListItem when a need for "attach objects to this value" is arised.boolean


"base_info": {
"item_info": {
"obj_id": {
"type": 0,
"item_id": {
"internal_id": 0,
"external_repository_id": {
"connection": "<!< The external repository connection identifier.>",
"item": "<item>"
"name": "<!< The name of the item.>",
"external_id_status": 5 /* Enum: ExtIDStatus */,
"external_id": "<external_id>",
"guid": "<!< GUID for the item.>",
"options": {
"all": false,
"is_shortcut": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_accessed_by_valid": false,
"has_shared_files": false,
"is_conflict_object": false,
"is_normal": false,
"is_view": false,
"has_external_data": false,
"is_referred_external_object": false
"external_repository_icon_id": "<!< The ID of the item's icon.>"
"has_parent": false,
"has_owner": false,
"parent_id": 0,
"owner_id": 0,
"owner_name": "<!< The name of the owner item.>",
"automatic_permissions": {
"permissions": {
"id": 0,
"name": "<!< The name of the named ACL.>",
"type": 2 /* Enum: NACLType */,
"acl_for_objects": {
"checked_out_to_user": 0,
"is_fully_authoritative": false,
"custom_component": {
"named_acl_id": 0,
"has_named_acl": false,
"current_user_id": 0,
"has_current_user": false,
"permissions": [] /* Array of AccessControlEntry */,
"overridability_permissions": [] /* Array of AccessControlEntry */,
"status": {
"all": false,
"deleted": false,
"source_item_linked_via_pseudo_users": false
"restrictive_components": [] /* Array of AccessControlListComponentMapEntry */,
"secondary_access_control_list": {} /* AccessControlList */,
"additive_components": [] /* Array of AccessControlListComponentMapEntry */
"guid": "<!< GUID for the NACL.>"
"is_default": false,
"use_object_permissions": false
"icon": {
"value": 0 /*Uint8Array*/
"associated_property_defs": [] /* Array of AssociatedPropertyDef */,
"default_workflow": 0,
"object_type": 0,
"name_property_def": 0,
"force_workflow": false,
"acl": {} /* AccessControlList */,
"current_user_permissions": {
"can_user_see": false,
"can_user_attach_objects": false
"is_object_type_default_class": false