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Struct for a search definition.

filter_conditionsThe conditions that limit the object set of this search.SearchCondition[]
grouping_levelsView levels (the display hierarchy of this search).GroupingLevel[]
optionsSearch flags. This affects the resulting object version set and also distinct view level values displayed inside this search.SearchFlags


"filter_conditions": [] /* Array of SearchCondition */,
"grouping_levels": [] /* Array of GroupingLevel */,
"options": {
"all": false,
"look_in_all_versions": false,
"return_latest_visible_version": false,
"separately_search_in_each_object_type": false,
"allow_quick_refresh_for_external_object_types": false,
"disable_relevancy_ranking": false,
"separately_search_specific_object_types": false,
"include_unmanaged_objects": false,
"individual_limit_for_each_external_repository": false