Struct for a single view.
Name | Description | Type |
id | The ID of the view. | number |
type | The type of the view. | ViewType |
name | The name of the view. | string |
is_common | Tells if the view is admin-defined (common) or user-defined. | boolean |
is_visible | Tells if the view is visible. | boolean |
location | The location of the view. Valid only if bHasParent is true. | ViewLocation |
content_definition | The search definition that contains the view levels and search conditions of the view. | SearchDef |
acl | Permissions. | AccessControlList |
flags_obsolete | Bit flags that provide additional information on the view. | number |
options | Bit flags that provide additional information on the view. | VIEWFLAGS |
guid | GUID for the view. | string |
"id": 0,
"type": 1 /* Enum: ViewType */,
"name": "<!< The name of the view.>",
"is_common": false,
"is_visible": false,
"location": {
"parent_folder": [] /* Array of Folder */,
"customizes_property_folder": false,
"customized_property_folder": {
"is_null": false,
"type": 15 /* Enum: Datatype */,
"data": {
"text": "<!< Text.>",
"integer": 0,
"real_number": 0,
"decimal_number": "<!< Fixed precision number.>",
"date": { "seconds": 0, "nanos": 0 } /* google.protobuf.Timestamp */,
"time": { "seconds": 0, "nanos": 0 } /* google.protobuf.Timestamp */,
"timestamp": {
"seconds": 0,
"nanos": 0
} /* google.protobuf.Timestamp */,
"boolean": false,
"lookup": {
"value_list_item_info": {
"obj_id": {
"type": 0,
"item_id": {
"internal_id": 0,
"external_repository_id": {
"connection": "<!< The external repository connection identifier.>",
"item": "<item>"
"name": "<!< The name of the item.>",
"external_id_status": 5 /* Enum: ExtIDStatus */,
"external_id": "<external_id>",
"guid": "<!< GUID for the item.>",
"options": {
"all": false,
"is_shortcut": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_accessed_by_valid": false,
"has_shared_files": false,
"is_conflict_object": false,
"is_normal": false,
"is_view": false,
"has_external_data": false,
"is_referred_external_object": false
"external_repository_icon_id": "<!< The ID of the item's icon.>"
"version": {
"type": 7 /* Enum: ObjVerVersionType */,
"internal_version": 0,
"external_repository_version": "<external_repository_version>",
"external_repository_sort_key": 0
"multi_select_lookup": {
"values": [] /* Array of Lookup */
"integer64": 0,
"multi_line_text": "<!< Multi-line text.>",
"acl": {
"checked_out_to_user": 0,
"is_fully_authoritative": false,
"custom_component": {
"named_acl_id": 0,
"has_named_acl": false,
"current_user_id": 0,
"has_current_user": false,
"permissions": [] /* Array of AccessControlEntry */,
"overridability_permissions": [] /* Array of AccessControlEntry */,
"status": {
"all": false,
"deleted": false,
"source_item_linked_via_pseudo_users": false
"restrictive_components": [] /* Array of AccessControlListComponentMapEntry */,
"secondary_access_control_list": {} /* AccessControlList */,
"additive_components": [] /* Array of AccessControlListComponentMapEntry */
"content_definition": {
"filter_conditions": [] /* Array of SearchCondition */,
"grouping_levels": [] /* Array of GroupingLevel */,
"options": {
"all": false,
"look_in_all_versions": false,
"return_latest_visible_version": false,
"separately_search_in_each_object_type": false,
"allow_quick_refresh_for_external_object_types": false,
"disable_relevancy_ranking": false,
"separately_search_specific_object_types": false,
"include_unmanaged_objects": false,
"individual_limit_for_each_external_repository": false
"acl": {} /* AccessControlList */,
"flags_obsolete": 0,
"options": {
"all": false,
"indexed": false,
"incompatible_with_full_text_search": false,
"sort_across_all_pages_disabled": false
"guid": "<!< GUID for the view.>"