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Struct for a single property definition.

idProperty definition ID.number
nameThe name of the property.string
data_typeThe data type of the property.Datatype
content_typeContent type (sub-datatype).ContentType
is_based_on_value_listIs the range of possible values limited to a value list.boolean
enable_automatic_permissionsTrue to allow automatic permissions via this property def.boolean
is_conflict_referenceTrue if this property definition is the one and only conflict propertydef of the object type lValueList. Within an object type, conflict objects are bound to their base objects via the conflict property of the object type.boolean
disallow_as_grouping_levelTrue to disallow using this property def as a grouping level in views.boolean
value_listThe ID of the value list that defines the possible values for this property.number
value_list_item_filterStatic filter to apply to the values of the property definition's underlying value list or object type.SearchCondition[]
update_typeThe update behaviour of the property.UpdateType
automatic_value_typeDefines the type of the automatic value of this field, if any.AutomaticValueType
iconIf not NULL, contains an icon in .ICO format (contains multiple sizes and color depths).Bytes
is_predefinedTrue if this is a predefined PropertyDef. Predefined PropertyDefs cannot be deleted and modifying them is restricted.boolean
allow_for_all_object_typesTrue if this property definition can be used with all object types.boolean
is_ownerTrue if this property definition is the one and only owner propertydef of the object type lValueList.boolean
is_defaultTrue if this property definition is the one and only default propertydef of the object type lValueList.boolean
object_typeIf bAllObjectTypes is false, specifies the object type with which this property definition is used. Otherwise ignored.number
aclIf not NULL, specifies the ACL that defines the visibility and editability of this property in objects.AccessControlList
property_def_permissionsIf not NULL, specifies the permissions for current user that defines the visibility and editability of this property in objects.PropertyDefPermissionsForClient
value_list_sorting_typeThe sorting type of value list items.VLSortingType
value_list_sort_ascendingTrue to sort in ascending order, false to sort in descending order.boolean
guidGUID for the PD.string
optionsProperty definition flags.PROPERTYDEFFLAGS


"id": 0,
"name": "<!< The name of the property.>",
"data_type": 15 /* Enum: Datatype */,
"content_type": 2 /* Enum: ContentType */,
"is_based_on_value_list": false,
"enable_automatic_permissions": false,
"is_conflict_reference": false,
"disallow_as_grouping_level": false,
"value_list": 0,
"value_list_item_filter": [] /* Array of SearchCondition */,
"update_type": 2 /* Enum: UpdateType */,
"automatic_value_type": 4 /* Enum: AutomaticValueType */,
"icon": {
"value": 0 /*Uint8Array*/
"is_predefined": false,
"allow_for_all_object_types": false,
"is_owner": false,
"is_default": false,
"object_type": 0,
"acl": {
"checked_out_to_user": 0,
"is_fully_authoritative": false,
"custom_component": {
"named_acl_id": 0,
"has_named_acl": false,
"current_user_id": 0,
"has_current_user": false,
"permissions": [] /* Array of AccessControlEntry */,
"overridability_permissions": [] /* Array of AccessControlEntry */,
"status": {
"all": false,
"deleted": false,
"source_item_linked_via_pseudo_users": false
"restrictive_components": [] /* Array of AccessControlListComponentMapEntry */,
"secondary_access_control_list": {} /* AccessControlList */,
"additive_components": [] /* Array of AccessControlListComponentMapEntry */
"property_def_permissions": {
"current_user_can_see": false,
"current_user_can_edit": false
"value_list_sorting_type": 1 /* Enum: VLSortingType */,
"value_list_sort_ascending": false,
"guid": "<!< GUID for the PD.>",
"options": {
"all": false,
"can_use_in_search": false,
"can_use_in_history_search": false,
"show_only_filtered_values": false