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Item in a value list.

item_infoItem IDs (internal and external), GUID, and name.ItemInfo
has_parentDoes this item have a parent item?boolean
has_ownerDoes this item have an owner item?boolean
parent_idThe ID of the parent item (ignored if bHasParent is false).number
owner_idThe ID of the owner item, used for filtering (unique in the scope of an owner value list).number
owner_nameThe name of the owner item.string
automatic_permissionsIf not NULL, specifies the automatic permissions for an object for which the user selects this item.AutomaticPermissions
iconIf not NULL, contains the icon of this item in .ICO format.Bytes


"item_info": {
"obj_id": {
"type": 0,
"item_id": {
"internal_id": 0,
"external_repository_id": {
"connection": "<!< The external repository connection identifier.>",
"item": "<item>"
"name": "<!< The name of the item.>",
"external_id_status": 5 /* Enum: ExtIDStatus */,
"external_id": "<external_id>",
"guid": "<!< GUID for the item.>",
"options": {
"all": false,
"is_shortcut": false,
"is_deleted": false,
"is_accessed_by_valid": false,
"has_shared_files": false,
"is_conflict_object": false,
"is_normal": false,
"is_view": false,
"has_external_data": false,
"is_referred_external_object": false
"external_repository_icon_id": "<!< The ID of the item's icon.>"
"has_parent": false,
"has_owner": false,
"parent_id": 0,
"owner_id": 0,
"owner_name": "<!< The name of the owner item.>",
"automatic_permissions": {
"permissions": {
"id": 0,
"name": "<!< The name of the named ACL.>",
"type": 2 /* Enum: NACLType */,
"acl_for_objects": {
"checked_out_to_user": 0,
"is_fully_authoritative": false,
"custom_component": {
"named_acl_id": 0,
"has_named_acl": false,
"current_user_id": 0,
"has_current_user": false,
"permissions": [] /* Array of AccessControlEntry */,
"overridability_permissions": [] /* Array of AccessControlEntry */,
"status": {
"all": false,
"deleted": false,
"source_item_linked_via_pseudo_users": false
"restrictive_components": [] /* Array of AccessControlListComponentMapEntry */,
"secondary_access_control_list": {} /* AccessControlList */,
"additive_components": [] /* Array of AccessControlListComponentMapEntry */
"guid": "<!< GUID for the NACL.>"
"is_default": false,
"use_object_permissions": false
"icon": {
"value": 0 /*Uint8Array*/