Temporary upload
A collection of temporary uploads.
Input: | Stream: application/octet-stream or multipart/form-data |
Output: | UploadInfo (when using application/octet-stream ) or UploadInfo[] (when using multipart/form-data ). |
Stores a temporary file on the server and assigns an ID for it. | |
Once uploaded the file can be used in object creation. |
public ObjectVersion CreateObject( int type, PropertyValue[] propertyValues, Stream file )
// First upload the file.
// Create the file upload request.
string uploadUrl = "http://example.org/REST/files";
var uploadRequest = WebRequest.Create( uploadUrl );
uploadRequest.Method = "POST";
// Fill the authentication information.
uploadRequest.Headers["X-Authentication"] = this.AuthenticationToken;
// Upload the file.
uploadRequest.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
var uploadStream = uploadRequest.GetRequestStream();
file.CopyTo( uploadStream );
// Get the upload information from the response.
// The information is in the response stream in JSON format.
// DataContractJsonSerializer lets us deserialize it back into an object.
var uploadResponse = uploadRequest.GetResponse();
var uploadSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer( typeof( UploadInfo ) );
var uploadInfo = (UploadInfo)uploadSerializer.ReadObject( uploadResponse.GetResponseStream() );
// Once the file is uploaded it can be used in object creation.
// Construct the URL.
// For object creation the URL only specifies the type.
string url = "http://example.org/REST/objects/" + type;
var createRequest = WebRequest.Create( url );
createRequest.Method = "POST";
createRequest.Headers["X-Authentication"] = this.AuthenticationToken;
// Create the creation info.
var creationInfo = new ObjectCreationInfo
PropertyValues = propertyValues,
Files = new[] { uploadInfo }
// Send the creation info to the server.
// Use JSON serializer to serialize it to the request stream.
var infoSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer( typeof( ObjectCreationInfo ) );
infoSerializer.WriteObject( createRequest.GetRequestStream(), creationInfo );
// Now get the response.
var createResponse = createRequest.GetResponse();
var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer( typeof( ObjectVersion ) );
var objectVersion = (ObjectVersion)serializer.ReadObject( createResponse.GetResponseStream() );
// Return the newly created object.
return objectVersion;