Object version


Collection of objects filtered by object type.



Note that this endpoint will return an ObjectVersion by default. If ?include=properties is specified then the endpoint will return an ExtendedObjectVersion including the object version’s properties.

Output: ObjectVersion or ExtendedObjectVersion
  Retrieves the object information.
Parameters: ?include - A list of additional fields to include in the ExtendedObjectVersion. Currently only properties is supported.


Note that PUT and DELETE verbs may not be supported in IIS; it is recommended to route them via the POST verb and specify the _method querystring parameter, as detailed in the compatibility page.

Output: ObjectVersion, HTTP 204
  Destroys the object version. As checked in versions cannot be destroyed this can only be performed on a checked out version and is equivalent to an undo checkout. Returns the new ObjectVersion information if it is still visible to the user.
  See /objects/(type)/(objectid)/deleted for marking the object as deleted.
  Will return 204 on successful destroy.
Parameters: ?force - If true, DELETE will perform an undo checkout even if the object isn’t checked out to the current user on this computer.
  ?allVersions - If true, DELETE will destroy the whole object. Unlike normal DELETE, this will not require the object to be checked out.


public ObjectVersion[] GetObjectVersion( string searchTerm )
    // Construct the URL by filling type, id and version.
    string url = string.Format("http://example.org/REST/objects?q={0}", searchTerm );

    // Create the web request.
    WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create( url );

    // Fill the authentication information.
    request.Headers["X-Authentication"] = this.AuthenticationToken;

    // Receive the response.
    var response = request.GetResponse();

    // Use DataContractJsonSerializer to deserialize the JSON formatted
    // ObjectVersion information from the response stream.
    var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer( typeof( Results<ObjectVersion> ) );
    var results = (Results<ObjectVersion>)serializer.ReadObject( response.GetResponseStream() );

    return results.Items;
Example 1: Requesting object version information.


Item Description
Check out status Resource representing the check out state of the object.
Comments Resource listing the full object comment history.
Object files Files belonging to an object.
Object properties The properties of an object.
Object thumbnail The object thumbnail.
Object title Resource representing the object title.
Object workflow state Resource representing the object workflow state.
Relationships A collection of related objects.
Sub-objects A collection of sub-objects.