

Current user session information.


Output: SessionInfo
  Retrieves the current session information.


Note that PUT and DELETE verbs may not be supported in IIS; it is recommended to route them via the POST verb and specify the _method querystring parameter, as detailed in the compatibility page.

Input: Authentication
Output: Vault[]
  Performs login using the credentials in the request.


Note that PUT and DELETE verbs may not be supported in IIS; it is recommended to route them via the POST verb and specify the _method querystring parameter, as detailed in the compatibility page.

Output: HTTP 204 status code
  Performs a logout for the session. A session ID must have been provided as part of the authentication token request for this to work.


Item Description
Authentication tokens Authentication token representing the current session.
User ID The ID of the current user.
Vault The document vault attached to the current session.
Vaults Retrieves a list of vaults that are accessible by the current user.