View contents
Contents of a single view.
By default this endpoint will return only managed objects. By enabling IML compatibility, external view folders and object versions without internal object ID values will be returned. Read more on the IML compatibility page for how to handle these structures.
Output: | FolderContentItems |
Retrieves the view contents |
public void Navigate()
// Browse the vault from the root.
string userChoice = "";
string currentPath = "";
while( userChoice != null )
// Construct the path.
// This will result in '/v1/v2/' format.
// Root path will be represented with just '/'.
currentPath += userChoice + "/";
userChoice = PromptView( currentPath );
public string PromptView(string path)
// Get view contents.
var contents = GetViewContents( path );
// Display objects
var objects = contents.Items
.Select( i => i.ObjectVersion )
.Where( i => i != null ).ToList();
// List objects
Console.WriteLine( "Objects in this view:" );
foreach( ObjectVersion o in objects )
Console.WriteLine( o.Title );
// We'll gather all possible navigation targets in one list.
List<object> navigableItems = new List<object>();
// List views
var views = contents.Items
.Select( i => i.View )
.Where( i => i != null ).ToList();
Console.WriteLine( "Other views in this view:" );
foreach( View v in views )
// Add the view to the list as a possible navigation target.
// Also prefix the view name with its index in the list.
navigableItems.Add( v );
Console.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", navigableItems.Count, v.Name );
// Display property folders.
var propertyFolders = contents.Items
.Select( i => i.PropertyFolder )
.Where( i => i != null ).ToList();
Console.WriteLine( "Property folders in this view:" );
foreach( TypedValue p in propertyFolders )
// Add the property folder to the list as a possible navigation target.
// Also prefix the view name with its index in the list.
navigableItems.Add( p );
Console.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}", navigableItems.Count, p.DisplayValue );
// Read the user input for the next view.
object nextItem;
while( true )
Console.WriteLine( "Select the next directory or type 'q' to exit:" );
string input = Console.ReadLine();
// 'q' stop the navigation.
if( input == "q" ) return null;
// Parse the string input.
int index;
if( !int.TryParse( input, out index ) )
Console.WriteLine( "Invalid input!" );
// Make sure the string is within the valid range.
if( index < 1 || index > navigableItems.Count )
Console.WriteLine( "Input out of range!" );
// Input was okay so we can select the next item.
nextItem = navigableItems[ index - 1 ];
// Depending on the item type, construct the view path differently.
// For views we need to prefix the ID with a 'v'.
if( nextItem is View ) return "v" + ( ( View )nextItem ).ID;
// For property folders we need to decide on the prefix based on datatype
// and after this we can use the SerializedValue from the TypedValue.
if( nextItem is TypedValue )
string prefix;
TypedValue tv = ((TypedValue) nextItem);
switch( tv.DataType )
case MFDataType.Lookup:
prefix = "l";
case MFDataType.MultiLineText:
prefix = "s";
case MFDataType.Text:
prefix = "t";
throw new NotImplementedException();
return prefix + tv.SerializedValue;
return null;
public FolderContentItems GetViewContents( string path )
// Construct the URL by filling path.
// Note that the input path in our case is in "/foo/bar/" format.
string url = "" + path + "items";
// Create the web request.
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create( url );
// Fill the authentication information.
request.Headers["X-Authentication"] = this.AuthenticationToken;
// Get the response.
var response = request.GetResponse();
// Use JSON serializer to deserialize the FolderContentItems from the response.
var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer( typeof( FolderContentItems ) );
var items = (FolderContentItems)serializer.ReadObject( response.GetResponseStream() );
return items;
Item | Description |
View contents count | The count of items within the single view. |