Information on this page is only applicable to M-Files (server) version 12.0.6783.0 and higher.

Object class ID by alias


Resolves one or more object class aliases to their IDs.


Input: string[]
Output: JSON object (see below)

This endpoint accepts an array of strings of object class aliases to resolve. A sample request body is shown below:


This endpoint returns an object with a property for each provided alias with the value being the ID of the object class in the current vault that has that alias. A sample response body is shown below:

	"ClassAlias1" : 101,
	"ClassAlias2" : 102,
	"UnresolvedAlias" : -1

Aliases that could not be resolved will be returned as -1.


Item Description
Object class ID from alias (single) Allows resolution of a single object class ID from its alias