Deleting and destroying objects with the M-Files Web Service (REST API)

This page focuses on deleting objects using the REST API. Details on deleting objects using the COM API can be found in the dedicated page.

Deleting vs destroying

When removing objects from an M-Files vault, it is important to decide whether the object should be deleted or destroyed. Deleted objects are simply flagged as deleted and are hidden from most users. Administrators can access these deleted items (and optionally undelete/restore them) by searching for them using the M-Files Desktop client. Destroyed objects (or destroyed versions of an object) are permanently removed from the system and cannot be restored.

Deleting objects

To delete an object, execute a HTTP PUT request to /objects/(type)/(objectid)/deleted, with the HTTP body containing a PrimitiveType<bool>. The value of the primitive type should be true to delete the object.

// Create a HttpClient.
var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();

// Authenticate.
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Authentication", "DummyAuthenticationToken");

// Build up the HTTP body content.
var primitiveType = new PrimitiveType<bool>()
	Value = true // true = delete.

// What type of object are we deleting?
const int documentObjectTypeId = 0;

// What is the ID of the object that we're deleting?
const int documentId = 8;

// Execute the post.
// NOTE:
await client.PostAsync(new Uri("http://localhost/REST/objects/" + documentObjectTypeId + "/" + documentId + "/deleted.aspx?_method=PUT"),
	new System.Net.Http.StringContent(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(primitiveType), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

Undeleting objects

To undelete an object, execute a HTTP PUT request to /objects/(type)/(objectid)/deleted, with the HTTP body containing a PrimitiveType<bool>. The value of the primitive type should be false to undelete the object.

// Create a HttpClient.
var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();

// Authenticate.
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Authentication", "DummyAuthenticationToken");

// Build up the HTTP body content.
var primitiveType = new PrimitiveType<bool>()
	Value = true // false = undelete.

// What type of object are we undeleting?
const int documentObjectTypeId = 0;

// What is the ID of the object that we're undeleting?
const int documentId = 8;

// Execute the post.
// NOTE:
await client.PostAsync(new Uri("http://localhost/REST/objects/" + documentObjectTypeId + "/" + documentId + "/deleted.aspx?_method=PUT"),
	new System.Net.Http.StringContent(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(primitiveType), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

Destroying objects

Destroying one or more versions of an object is done by executing a HTTP DELETE request to /objects/(type)/(objectid)/(version).

Destroying specific object versions

If the allVersions parameter is false (or not provided) then the version must be checked out to the current user, and performs an equivalent of UndoCheckout (or ForceUndoCheckout, if the force parameter is true).

This endpoint can never destroy a specific version of an object which is checked in.

// Create a HttpClient.
var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();

// Authenticate.
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Authentication", "DummyAuthenticationToken");

// What type of object are we destroying?
const int documentObjectTypeId = 0;

// What is the ID of the object that we're destroying?
const int documentId = 8;

// What is the endpoint to hit?
// NOTE: The object must be checked out to this user.
// NOTE:
var uri = new Uri("http://localhost/REST/objects/" + documentObjectTypeId + "/" + documentId + "/latest.aspx?_method=DELETE&allVersions=false");

// Execute the post.
await client.PostAsync(uri, null);

Destroying all object versions

If the allVersions parameter is true then the endpoint does not require the object to be checked out to the current user.

// Create a HttpClient.
var client = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient();

// Authenticate.
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("X-Authentication", "DummyAuthenticationToken");

// What type of object are we destroying?
const int documentObjectTypeId = 0;

// What is the ID of the object that we're destroying?
const int documentId = 8;

// What is the endpoint to hit?
// NOTE:
var uri = new Uri("http://localhost/REST/objects/" + documentObjectTypeId + "/" + documentId + "/latest.aspx?_method=DELETE&allVersions=true");

// Execute the post.
await client.PostAsync(uri, null);