Copying Objects

This sample shows how to create a copy of an object, including all metadata and files, when it moves into a specific workflow state. This can be useful in scenarios such as controlled document management where a published version a document may need to be created once a document is authorised, or to copy metadata from one object type (e.g. a Quotation) to a new object type (e.g. an Order).

Full source code for this sample is available in our GitHub Samples and Libraries repository.


Any object within M-Files consists of internal data (e.g. the object type and ID), metadata (both automated and manual), zero or more files, and an access control list. To create a copy of an object, we must create a copy of two sets of data:

  1. We must copy the current object’s PropertyValues, removing any that we do not wish to propagate to the new object (e.g. Created).
  2. We must copy the current object’s Files, by downloading them from the server, creating a SourceObjectFiles collection, and then re-attaching them to the new object.

Once we have this content, we can call CreateNewObject, CreateNewObjectEx or CreateNewObjectExQuick to actually create the copy.

The code below is assumed to run as a workflow state action, as this is the typical usage scenario.

A VBScript Approach

Creating a copy of the properties

Within a workflow state action, the current property values are available within a workflow state action as a variable named PropertyValues, which is of type PropertyValues. Duplicating the content of this collection is a two-step process:

  1. The PropertyValues variable contains a Clone method, which can be used to create a copy of the object (line 18).
  2. Some properties will need to be removed from the collection, as they don’t make sense to have on the new object (lines 22-23).

This code removes the MFBuiltInPropertyDefWorkflow and MFBuiltInPropertyDefState built-in properties from the collection, as the new object doesn’t need to be in the same workflow. It may also be that other built-in properties should be removed, such as the creation date.

Option Explicit

' Let's get a copy of the property values.
Dim objNewObjectPropertyValues: Set objNewObjectPropertyValues = GetNewObjectPropertyValues(PropertyValues)

' TODO: Get a copy of the files.

' TODO: Create the object.

' TODO: Clean up.


' Gets a copy of the property values, for use when creating a new object.
Function GetNewObjectPropertyValues(oPropertyValuesToCloneFrom)
	' Clone the property values we were passed.
	Dim objNewObjectPropertyValues: Set objNewObjectPropertyValues = oPropertyValuesToCloneFrom.Clone()

	' Remove the workflow and workflow state properties
	' (as otherwise it'll try and put it in the same state, which tries to copy it, which... infinite loop).
	RemovePropertyValueIfFound objNewObjectPropertyValues, MFBuiltInPropertyDefWorkflow
	RemovePropertyValueIfFound objNewObjectPropertyValues, MFBuiltInPropertyDefState

	' Possibly also want to remove some other built-in properties such as created and created by.
	' Ref:
	' Return the property values.
	Set GetNewObjectPropertyValues = objNewObjectPropertyValues
End Function

' Removes a property value from the collection if it's found.
Sub RemovePropertyValueIfFound(ByRef oPropertyValues, iPropertyDef)
	' Find the index of the property value (-1 if not found).
	Dim index: index = oPropertyValues.IndexOf(iPropertyDef)

	' If it was found then remove it.
	If index > -1 Then oPropertyValues.Remove index
End Sub

Creating a copy of the files

Unlike the property values, the file content is not automatically available within the event handler. Additionally: the file data needs to be converted from ObjectFiles to SourceObjectFiles to be used within the creation call. Specifically, we must:

  1. Retrieve the file information (line 60).
  2. Download the files to a temporary location (line 76)
  3. Create the SourceObjectFiles collection (line 63) and populate it (lines 78-82).
  4. TODO: Create the object
  5. Cleanup of the temporary files (lines 95-113).
Option Explicit

' Special folder value for TemporaryFolder, from
Const TemporaryFolder = 2
' Create a filesystemobject to help working with files.
Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Let's get a copy of the property values.
Dim objNewObjectPropertyValues: Set objNewObjectPropertyValues = GetNewObjectPropertyValues(PropertyValues)

' Let's get a copy of the files.
Dim objNewObjectSourceFiles: Set objNewObjectSourceFiles = GetNewObjectSourceFiles(ObjVer)

' TODO: Create the object.

' Clean up.
ClearTemporaryFiles objNewObjectSourceFiles


' Gets a copy of the property values, for use when creating a new object.
Function GetNewObjectPropertyValues(oPropertyValuesToCloneFrom)
	' Clone the property values we were passed.
	Dim objNewObjectPropertyValues: Set objNewObjectPropertyValues = oPropertyValuesToCloneFrom.Clone()

	' Remove the workflow and workflow state properties
	' (as otherwise it'll try and put it in the same state, which tries to copy it, which... infinite loop).
	RemovePropertyValueIfFound objNewObjectPropertyValues, MFBuiltInPropertyDefWorkflow
	RemovePropertyValueIfFound objNewObjectPropertyValues, MFBuiltInPropertyDefState

	' Possibly also want to remove some other built-in properties such as created and created by.
	' Ref:
	' Return the property values.
	Set GetNewObjectPropertyValues = objNewObjectPropertyValues
End Function

' Removes a property value from the collection if it's found.
Sub RemovePropertyValueIfFound(ByRef oPropertyValues, iPropertyDef)
	' Find the index of the property value (-1 if not found).
	Dim index: index = oPropertyValues.IndexOf(iPropertyDef)

	' If it was found then remove it.
	If index > -1 Then oPropertyValues.Remove index
End Sub

' Downloads the files for the provided object version and creates a
' SourceObjectFiles collection for use when creating a new object.
Function GetNewObjectSourceFiles(oSourceObjVer)

	' Get a reference to the temporary folder.
	Dim strTempFolderPath: strTempFolderPath = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder).Path

	' Get the files for the current objver.
	Dim objFiles: Set objFiles = Vault.ObjectFileOperations.GetFiles(oSourceObjVer)

	' Create our collection to return.
	Dim objSourceFiles: Set objSourceFiles = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.SourceObjectFiles")

	' Iterate over the files and download each in turn.
	Dim intCounter, objFile
	For intCounter = 1 To objFiles.Count
		' Which file are we working with?
		Set objFile = objFiles.Item(intCounter)
		' Where can we download it?
		Dim strTemporaryFilePath: strTemporaryFilePath = objFSO.BuildPath(strTempFolderPath, objFSO.GetTempName()) & "." & objFile.Extension

		' Download the file.
		Vault.ObjectFileOperations.DownloadFile objFile.ID, objFile.Version, strTemporaryFilePath

		' Create an object source file for this temporary file.
		Dim objObjectSourceFile: Set objObjectSourceFile = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.SourceObjectFile")
		objObjectSourceFile.Extension = objFile.Extension
		objObjectSourceFile.SourceFilePath = strTemporaryFilePath
		objObjectSourceFile.Title = objFile.Title

		' Add it to the collection.
		objSourceFiles.Add -1, objObjectSourceFile


	' Return the temporary files.
	Set GetNewObjectSourceFiles = objSourceFiles

End Function

' Clears temporary files.
Sub ClearTemporaryFiles(objObjectSourceFiles)

	' Iterate over the files and clear up each in turn.
	Dim intCounter, objFile
	For intCounter = 1 To objObjectSourceFiles.Count
		' Which file are we working with?
		Set objFile = objObjectSourceFiles.Item(intCounter)
		' If it exists, try and delete it.
		If objFSO.FileExists(objFile.SourceFilePath) Then
			On Error Resume Next
			objFSO.DeleteFile objFile.SourceFilePath, True
			On Error Goto 0
		End If


End Sub

Creating the object

There are a number of API methods that can be used to create new objects, but this sample will use CreateNewObjectExQuick, as it allows the object to be easily checked in with the same call. In addition to the property and file information we have, the method defines four additional parameters:

To complete the code, we must:

  1. Decide whether the object is a single-file-document or not (lines 16-29).
  2. Decide which access control list to apply to the document (line 22).
  3. Call CreateNewObjectExQuick (line 25).
Option Explicit

' Special folder value for TemporaryFolder, from
Const TemporaryFolder = 2
' Create a filesystemobject to help working with files.
Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

' Let's get a copy of the property values.
Dim objNewObjectPropertyValues: Set objNewObjectPropertyValues = GetNewObjectPropertyValues(PropertyValues)

' Let's get a copy of the files.
Dim objNewObjectSourceFiles: Set objNewObjectSourceFiles = GetNewObjectSourceFiles(ObjVer)

' Is it a single-file-document (has exactly one file, and type of document)?
Dim bolIsSingleFileDocument: bolIsSingleFileDocument = False
If objNewObjectSourceFiles.Count = 1 AND ObjVer.Type = MFBuiltInObjectTypeDocument Then
	bolIsSingleFileDocument = True
End If

' Use a default ACL.
Dim objAccessControlList: Set objAccessControlList = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.AccessControlList")

' Create the object.
Vault.ObjectOperations.CreateNewObjectExQuick ObjVer.Type, objNewObjectPropertyValues, objNewObjectSourceFiles, bolIsSingleFileDocument, True, objAccessControlList

' Clean up.
ClearTemporaryFiles objNewObjectSourceFiles


' Gets a copy of the property values, for use when creating a new object.
Function GetNewObjectPropertyValues(oPropertyValuesToCloneFrom)
	' Clone the property values we were passed.
	Dim objNewObjectPropertyValues: Set objNewObjectPropertyValues = oPropertyValuesToCloneFrom.Clone()

	' Remove the workflow and workflow state properties
	' (as otherwise it'll try and put it in the same state, which tries to copy it, which... infinite loop).
	RemovePropertyValueIfFound objNewObjectPropertyValues, MFBuiltInPropertyDefWorkflow
	RemovePropertyValueIfFound objNewObjectPropertyValues, MFBuiltInPropertyDefState

	' Possibly also want to remove some other built-in properties such as created and created by.
	' Ref:
	' Return the property values.
	Set GetNewObjectPropertyValues = objNewObjectPropertyValues
End Function

' Removes a property value from the collection if it's found.
Sub RemovePropertyValueIfFound(ByRef oPropertyValues, iPropertyDef)
	' Find the index of the property value (-1 if not found).
	Dim index: index = oPropertyValues.IndexOf(iPropertyDef)

	' If it was found then remove it.
	If index > -1 Then oPropertyValues.Remove index
End Sub

' Downloads the files for the provided object version and creates a
' SourceObjectFiles collection for use when creating a new object.
Function GetNewObjectSourceFiles(oSourceObjVer)

	' Get a reference to the temporary folder.
	Dim strTempFolderPath: strTempFolderPath = objFSO.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder).Path

	' Get the files for the current objver.
	Dim objFiles: Set objFiles = Vault.ObjectFileOperations.GetFiles(oSourceObjVer)

	' Create our collection to return.
	Dim objSourceFiles: Set objSourceFiles = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.SourceObjectFiles")

	' Iterate over the files and download each in turn.
	Dim intCounter, objFile
	For intCounter = 1 To objFiles.Count
		' Which file are we working with?
		Set objFile = objFiles.Item(intCounter)
		' Where can we download it?
		Dim strTemporaryFilePath: strTemporaryFilePath = objFSO.BuildPath(strTempFolderPath, objFSO.GetTempName()) & "." & objFile.Extension

		' Download the file.
		Vault.ObjectFileOperations.DownloadFile objFile.ID, objFile.Version, strTemporaryFilePath

		' Create an object source file for this temporary file.
		Dim objObjectSourceFile: Set objObjectSourceFile = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.SourceObjectFile")
		objObjectSourceFile.Extension = objFile.Extension
		objObjectSourceFile.SourceFilePath = strTemporaryFilePath
		objObjectSourceFile.Title = objFile.Title

		' Add it to the collection.
		objSourceFiles.Add -1, objObjectSourceFile


	' Return the temporary files.
	Set GetNewObjectSourceFiles = objSourceFiles

End Function

' Clears temporary files.
Sub ClearTemporaryFiles(objObjectSourceFiles)

	' Iterate over the files and clear up each in turn.
	Dim intCounter, objFile
	For intCounter = 1 To objObjectSourceFiles.Count
		' Which file are we working with?
		Set objFile = objObjectSourceFiles.Item(intCounter)
		' If it exists, try and delete it.
		If objFSO.FileExists(objFile.SourceFilePath) Then
			On Error Resume Next
			objFSO.DeleteFile objFile.SourceFilePath, True
			On Error Goto 0
		End If


End Sub

A Vault Application Framework Approach

Whilst the specific code is obviously different, the same general approach above can be used with the Vault Application Framework: the properties must be copied, the files downloaded, and the new object then created.

Scaffolding the application

We will assume that the workflow state that this code is executing on has an alias of CopyObject. We will:

  1. Create a basic Vault Application Framework application from the Visual Studio template.
  2. Remove all the code from the template application.
  3. Add a stub event handler using the Visual Studio Code Snippets (start typing MFVAFStateAction; once Visual Studio selects it, press Tab twice to create the snippet).
  4. Add some code to stop the code executing if we’re passed null data.
using MFiles.VAF;
using MFiles.VAF.Common;

namespace CopyingObjects
	public class VaultApplication 
		: VaultApplicationBase

		/// <summary>
		/// Executed when an object is moved into a workflow state
		/// with alias "CopyObject".
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="env">The vault/object environment.</param>
		public void CopyObjectHandler(StateEnvironment env)
			// Sanity.
			if(null == env?.PropertyValues || null == env?.ObjVerEx)


Creating a copy of the properties

To copy the properties we will:

  1. Clone the PropertyValues of the current object (line 56).
  2. Remove the properties which we don’t wish to be on the new object (declared lines 16-20, removed lines 59-68).
using System;
using System.Linq;
using MFiles.VAF;
using MFiles.VAF.Common;
using MFilesAPI;

namespace CopyingObjects
	public class VaultApplication 
		: VaultApplicationBase
		/// <summary>
		/// The properties to remove from the cloned property values collection.
		/// </summary>
		public readonly int[] PropertiesToRemove = 

		/// <summary>
		/// Executed when an object is moved into a workflow state
		/// with alias "CopyObject".
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="env">The vault/object environment.</param>
		public void CopyObjectHandler(StateEnvironment env)
			// Sanity.
			if (null == env?.PropertyValues || null == env?.ObjVerEx)

			// Let's get a copy of the property values.
			var newObjectPropertyValues = this.GetNewObjectPropertyValues(env.PropertyValues);

			// TODO: Copy the files.

			// TODO: Create the object.


		/// <summary>
		/// Copies property values from <see cref="cloneFrom"/>, removing items that exist in
		/// <see cref="PropertiesToRemove"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cloneFrom">The collection of properties to clone.</param>
		/// <returns>The cloned set of properties, with the requested properties removed.</returns>
		private PropertyValues GetNewObjectPropertyValues(PropertyValues cloneFrom)
			// Sanity.
			if(null == cloneFrom)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cloneFrom));

			// Get a basic copy.
			var propertyValues = cloneFrom.Clone();

			// Remove the properties we don't want.
			foreach (var propertyId in this.PropertiesToRemove)
				// If the property is not in the collection then skip.
				int index = propertyValues.IndexOf(propertyId);
				if (-1 == index)

				// Remove it.

			// Return.
			return propertyValues;


Creating a copy of the files

  1. Retrieve the file information (line 62-65).
  2. Download the files to a temporary location (lines 75-80)
  3. Create the SourceObjectFiles collection (line 68) and populate it (lines 84-89).
  4. TODO: Create the object
  5. Cleanup of the temporary files (lines 101-119).
using System;
using System.Linq;
using MFiles.VAF;
using MFiles.VAF.Common;
using MFilesAPI;

namespace CopyingObjects
	public class VaultApplication 
		: VaultApplicationBase
		/// <summary>
		/// The properties to remove from the cloned property values collection.
		/// </summary>
		public readonly int[] PropertiesToRemove = 

		/// <summary>
		/// Executed when an object is moved into a workflow state
		/// with alias "CopyObject".
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="env">The vault/object environment.</param>
		public void CopyObjectHandler(StateEnvironment env)
			// Sanity.
			if (null == env?.PropertyValues || null == env?.ObjVerEx)

			// Let's get a copy of the property values.
			var newObjectPropertyValues = this.GetNewObjectPropertyValues(env.PropertyValues);

			// Let's get a copy of the files.
			var newObjectSourceFiles = this.GetNewObjectSourceFiles(env.Vault, env.ObjVer);

			// TODO: Create the object.

			// Clean up.


		/// <summary>
		/// Downloads the files associated with the supplied <see cref="objVer"/>
		/// and creates a <see cref="SourceObjectFiles"/> to be used in new object creation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vault">The vault connection used to download the files.</param>
		/// <param name="objVer">The version of the object to download the files from.</param>
		/// <returns>A copy of the current files, as a <see cref="SourceObjectFiles"/>.</returns>
		private SourceObjectFiles GetNewObjectSourceFiles(Vault vault, ObjVer objVer)
			// Sanity.
			if (null == vault)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vault));
			if (null == objVer)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objVer));

			// Get the files for the current ObjVer.
			var objectFiles = vault.ObjectFileOperations.GetFiles(objVer)

			// Create the collection to return.
			var sourceObjectFiles = new SourceObjectFiles();

			// Iterate over the files and download each in turn.
			foreach (var objectFile in objectFiles)

				// Where can we download it?
				var temporaryFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(
					System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), // The temporary file folder.
					System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() + "." + objectFile.Extension); // The name including extension.

				// Download the file to a temporary location.
				vault.ObjectFileOperations.DownloadFile(objectFile.ID, objectFile.Version, temporaryFilePath);

				// Create an object source file for this temporary file
				// and add it to the collection.
				sourceObjectFiles.Add(-1, new SourceObjectFile()
					Extension = objectFile.Extension,
					SourceFilePath = temporaryFilePath,
					Title = objectFile.Title


			// Return the collection.
			return sourceObjectFiles;

		/// <summary>
		/// Clears up any temporary files used with the creation of an object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sourceObjectFiles">The files to clear up.</param>
		private void ClearTemporaryFiles(SourceObjectFiles sourceObjectFiles)
			// Sanity.
			if (null == sourceObjectFiles)
				return; // No point throwing; nothing to clear up.

			// Iterate over the files and clear them up.
			foreach (var sourceObjectFile in sourceObjectFiles.Cast<SourceObjectFile>())
				catch(Exception e)
					// TODO: Swallowing exceptions isn't nice.

		/// <summary>
		/// Copies property values from <see cref="cloneFrom"/>, removing items that exist in
		/// <see cref="PropertiesToRemove"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cloneFrom">The collection of properties to clone.</param>
		/// <returns>The cloned set of properties, with the requested properties removed.</returns>
		private PropertyValues GetNewObjectPropertyValues(PropertyValues cloneFrom)
			// Sanity.
			if(null == cloneFrom)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cloneFrom));

			// Get a basic copy.
			var propertyValues = cloneFrom.Clone();

			// Remove the properties we don't want.
			foreach (var propertyId in this.PropertiesToRemove)
				// If the property is not in the collection then skip.
				int index = propertyValues.IndexOf(propertyId);
				if (-1 == index)

				// Remove it.

			// Return.
			return propertyValues;


Creating the object

To complete the code, we must:

  1. Decide whether the object is a single-file-document or not (lines 41-42).
  2. Decide which access control list to apply to the document (line 45).
  3. Call CreateNewObjectExQuick (lines 48-54).
using System;
using System.Linq;
using MFiles.VAF;
using MFiles.VAF.Common;
using MFilesAPI;

namespace CopyingObjects
	public class VaultApplication 
		: VaultApplicationBase
		/// <summary>
		/// The properties to remove from the cloned property values collection.
		/// </summary>
		public readonly int[] PropertiesToRemove = 

		/// <summary>
		/// Executed when an object is moved into a workflow state
		/// with alias "CopyObject".
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="env">The vault/object environment.</param>
		public void CopyObjectHandler(StateEnvironment env)
			// Sanity.
			if (null == env?.PropertyValues || null == env?.ObjVerEx)

			// Let's get a copy of the property values.
			var newObjectPropertyValues = this.GetNewObjectPropertyValues(env.PropertyValues);

			// Let's get a copy of the files.
			var newObjectSourceFiles = this.GetNewObjectSourceFiles(env.Vault, env.ObjVer);

			// Is it a single-file-document (has exactly one file, and type of document)?
			var isSingleFileDocument = (newObjectSourceFiles.Count == 1
										&& env.ObjVer.Type == (int) MFBuiltInObjectType.MFBuiltInObjectTypeDocument);

			// Use a default ACL.
			var accessControlList = new AccessControlList();

			// Create the object.
				CheckIn: true,
				AccessControlList: accessControlList);

			// Clean up.


		/// <summary>
		/// Downloads the files associated with the supplied <see cref="objVer"/>
		/// and creates a <see cref="SourceObjectFiles"/> to be used in new object creation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vault">The vault connection used to download the files.</param>
		/// <param name="objVer">The version of the object to download the files from.</param>
		/// <returns>A copy of the current files, as a <see cref="SourceObjectFiles"/>.</returns>
		private SourceObjectFiles GetNewObjectSourceFiles(Vault vault, ObjVer objVer)
			// Sanity.
			if (null == vault)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(vault));
			if (null == objVer)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objVer));

			// Get the files for the current ObjVer.
			var objectFiles = vault.ObjectFileOperations.GetFiles(objVer)

			// Create the collection to return.
			var sourceObjectFiles = new SourceObjectFiles();

			// Iterate over the files and download each in turn.
			foreach (var objectFile in objectFiles)

				// Where can we download it?
				var temporaryFilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(
					System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), // The temporary file folder.
					System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() + "." + objectFile.Extension); // The name including extension.

				// Download the file to a temporary location.
				vault.ObjectFileOperations.DownloadFile(objectFile.ID, objectFile.Version, temporaryFilePath);

				// Create an object source file for this temporary file
				// and add it to the collection.
				sourceObjectFiles.Add(-1, new SourceObjectFile()
					Extension = objectFile.Extension,
					SourceFilePath = temporaryFilePath,
					Title = objectFile.Title


			// Return the collection.
			return sourceObjectFiles;

		/// <summary>
		/// Clears up any temporary files used with the creation of an object.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sourceObjectFiles">The files to clear up.</param>
		private void ClearTemporaryFiles(SourceObjectFiles sourceObjectFiles)
			// Sanity.
			if (null == sourceObjectFiles)
				return; // No point throwing; nothing to clear up.

			// Iterate over the files and clear them up.
			foreach (var sourceObjectFile in sourceObjectFiles.Cast<SourceObjectFile>())
				catch(Exception e)
					// TODO: Swallowing exceptions isn't nice.

		/// <summary>
		/// Copies property values from <see cref="cloneFrom"/>, removing items that exist in
		/// <see cref="PropertiesToRemove"/>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cloneFrom">The collection of properties to clone.</param>
		/// <returns>The cloned set of properties, with the requested properties removed.</returns>
		private PropertyValues GetNewObjectPropertyValues(PropertyValues cloneFrom)
			// Sanity.
			if(null == cloneFrom)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cloneFrom));

			// Get a basic copy.
			var propertyValues = cloneFrom.Clone();

			// Remove the properties we don't want.
			foreach (var propertyId in this.PropertiesToRemove)
				// If the property is not in the collection then skip.
				int index = propertyValues.IndexOf(propertyId);
				if (-1 == index)

				// Remove it.

			// Return.
			return propertyValues;
