The UrlHelper class in the Vault Application Framework


UrlHelper is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and provides common utility methods for generating URLs to M-Files content.

  • GetBaseUrlForWebAccess - returns the defined base URL for M-Files Classic Web. For example, this may be

  • GetHyperlinkFragmentHtml - returns a HTML-formatted set of links to an object, including Desktop, Web and Mobile links (if defined).

  • GetHyperlinkFragmentPlain - return a plain-text-formatted set of links to an object, including Desktop, Web and Mobile links (if defined).

  • GetObjectUrl - returns an URL to the object. The URL type returned depends upon the supplied UrlTargetPlatform (Web, Mobile or Desktop).

  • GetObjectUrlForDesktop - returns a URL pointing to an object for M-Files Desktop.

  • GetObjectUrlForMobile - returns a URL pointing to an object for M-Files mobile applications.

  • GetObjectUrlForWeb - returns a URL pointing to an object for M-Files Web.