Page layout


Layout areas

The M-Files Desktop client layout includes three general layout areas:

There are also sub-areas as the Bottom Pane and the Task Pane, which are explained further below.

Top Pane

Top Pane

The Top Pane is a full-width header located above the content areas of the application. It hosts most of the navigation function groups:

Style and layout parameters:

Listing Area

Listing Area

The Listing Area occupies the left half of the application underneath the Top Pane. It lists all views, files and other objects when navigating views or searching. It can also show pinned objects.

Style and layout parameters:

Bottom Pane

Bottom pane location

The Bottom Pane actually is a sub area within the Listing Area.

Style and layout parameters:

Right Pane

Right Pane location

The Right Pane plays an important role in offering detailed control options over object properties, previews, search and personalization. Its contents switch contextually according to the selected object or current function. Additionally, the contents of the right pane can be customised using the User Interface Extensibility Framework to show additional tabs of content.

Style and layout parameters:

Header location

The Right Pane Header is the top most part inside the Right Pane. Often it is used to show the vital information of the selected item, such as the object ID, version, and checkout information.

Style and layout parameters:

Object Tools Ribbon

Object tools ribbon location

The Right Pane Object Tools Ribbon shows buttons to execute common object-specific functions, such as flag and pin object.

Style and layout parameters:

Metadata Form

Metadata form location

The Metadata Form displays the properties of the selected object. Depending on your access rights, you may also be able to edit some of the properties. The layout is largely driven by the class of the selected object, but can be customised using Metadata Card Configuration rules.

Style and layout parameters:

Task Pane

Task Pane location

The Task Pane is where quick shortcuts are collected. The Task Pane can be collapsed and expanded by clicking of the handle on its right side. The task pane is kept for backwards compatibility.

Style and layout parameters:

Layout Controls

Expanding/collapsing control

Some panels have more flexibility with their layout. For example: both the Right Pane and Task Pane can be collapsed to make additional space on the screen. This can be done by clicking the “handle” in the middle of the layout divider. Clicking the handle again will toggle the panel back to its original size.

Collapsing in action for Right pane

Collapsing the Right Pane

Expanding action for Task pane

Expanding the Task Pane

Style and layout parameters: