
Please note that these samples and libraries are provided “as-is” and with no warranty, explicit or otherwise. You should ensure that the functionality of these libraries meet your requirements, and thoroughly test them, prior to using in any production scenarios. The items linked below are designed as teaching tools and may not be fully complete.

M-Files has published a number of public samples within our MFilesSamplesAndLibraries GitHub repository, which focus on achieving specific tasks using our public APIs or Frameworks.


More information on the COM API samples is available in the dedicated page.

The COM API is our most comprehensive API and can be used to create almost any solution that retrieves or processes information within M-Files.


More information on the REST API samples is available in the dedicated page.

User Interface Extensibility Framework

More information on the User Interface Extensibility Framework (UIX) samples is available in the dedicated page.

Vault Application Framework

More information on the Vault Application Framework (VAF) samples is available in the dedicated page.


These samples do not necessarily utilise one specific technology, but are samples of implementing specific processes using M-Files APIs and Frameworks.

More information on the sample processes is available in the dedicated page.