Modules in the User Interface Extensibility Framework


These modules contain the application code. There are three types of module: VaultCore modules, VaultUI modules, and ShellUI modules. Most modules are ShellUI modules.

Modules are defined within the Application Definition (manifest) file, and more information can be found in the dedicated page.

Module types


VaultCore modules run within MFClient.exe, and the lifetime of the module follows a connection to a vault within Windows; the module is started when the user logs into the vault, and stops when the user logs out. These modules:

  • Are executed as a Windows system user and may have wider rights than the current user.
  • Can interact with other system processes.
  • Can write into protected areas, such as Program Files.
  • Can install software components.
  • Typically do not show an interface, but can interact with VaultUI modules, so can display popup dashboards.


VaultUI modules run within MFStatus.exe, and the lifetime of the module follows a connection to a vault within Windows; the module is started when the user logs into the vault, and stops when the user logs out. These modules:

  • Are executed as the current Windows user and can only access system resources that the current Windows user can access.
  • Can interact with VaultCore modules.
  • Display popup dashboards.
  • React to vault events, such as to validate object properties, trace vault usage, or block check-in requests.


ShellUI modules are bound to the M-Files Shell component. Each shell window or Windows common dialog runs its own insance of the module. The lifetime of modules instantiated by the ShellUI module (e.g. the ShellFrame) may be shorter. These modules:

  • Are executed as the current Windows user and can only access system resources that the current Windows user can access.
  • Can access the M-Files Shell interface.
  • Can add custom commands (e.g. buttons in the task area, or context-menu items).
  • Can launch dashboards, either as popups, inside the integrated windows (e.g. to replace the shell listing, the preview panes), or as separate tabs on the right-hand section.
  • Can send synchronous messages to VaultUI and VaultCore modules.

Module entry points

Each module must have a specifically-named function declared within it, which acts as the module entry point. More information on module entry points and event registration is found on the dedicated page.