Showing and Hiding Configuration Options


The content of this page can only be used if the following condition(s) are all met:

  • You must target the Vault Application Framework 2.0 or higher.

Some configuration settings are only applicable in specific scenarios, and showing all configuration options to users may not be the most user-friendly. In these situations, configuration options may be shown or hidden depending on the state of other options.


The ShowWhen and HideWhen configuration both use JSPath syntax to define both the trigger property to test, and the condition which it must meet. More information on the JSPath syntax is available on the JSPath official GitHub repository.

Showing or hiding options depending on configuration state

In the example below, the AdvancedConfiguration option is hidden by default and only shown when the user sets the UsesAdvancedConfiguration option to true.

Advanced configuration options hidden Advanced configuration options shown

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using MFiles.VAF;
using MFiles.VAF.AdminConfigurations;

namespace MFVaultApplication1
	public class Configuration
		public bool UsesAdvancedConfiguration { get; set; }

			Hidden = true,
			ShowWhen = ".parent._children{.key == 'UsesAdvancedConfiguration' && .value == true }")]
		public AdvancedConfiguration AdvancedConfiguration { get; set; }

	public class AdvancedConfiguration
		public string Value { get; set; }

	public class VaultApplication
		: VaultApplicationBase, IUsesAdminConfigurations

		private ConfigurationNode<Configuration> config { get; set; }

		/// <inheritdoc />
		public void InitializeAdminConfigurations(IAdminConfigurations adminConfigurations)

			// Add it to the configuration screen.
			this.config = adminConfigurations.AddSimpleConfigurationNode<Configuration>("My Vault Application");