Helper Utilities in the Vault Application Framework

Version 2.0

The helper functions available in the VAF 1.0 are also available in VAF 2.0.


MFFileHelper is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and provides utility methods for file handling.


UrlHelper is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and provides common utility methods for generating URLs to M-Files content.

Version 1.0


MFSearchBuilder is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and is used to execute searches against the vault.

More information on MFSearchBuilder is available here.


ObjVerEx is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and is returned by MFSearchBuilder’s FindEx and FindOneEx methods and provides helper methods for working with an object, its properties and history.

More information on ObjVerEx is available here.


MFUtils is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and provides common utility methods for M-Files operations.

More information on MFUtils is available here.


SysUtils is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and provides common utility methods for system operations.

More information on SysUtils is available here.


MFPropertyValuesBuilder is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and provides helper methods for building up a collection of PropertyValues.

More information on MFPropertyValuesBuilder is available here.


ObjVerChanges is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace and provides information on metadata changes between two versions of an object.

More information on ObjVerChanges is available here.