The ObjVerEx class in the Vault Application Framework


ObjVerEx is contained in the MFiles.VAF.Common namespace, is returned by MFSearchBuilder’s FindEx and FindOneEx methods, and provides helper methods for working with an object, its properties and history. Broadly, ObjVerEx wraps access to an ObjectVersion and the associated PropertyValues, as well as providing other convenience methods.

This document does not detail all members.

ObjectVersion information

An in-memory copy of the object’s ObjectVersion can be accessed via ObjVerEx.Info.


An in-memory copy of the object’s PropertyValues can be accessed via ObjVerEx.PropertyValues, which is lazy-loaded as required.

SetProperty vs SaveProperty

ObjVerEx exposes a number of convenience methods for working with PropertyValues on objects. It is important to note, though, that the function of SetProperty is very different to the function of SaveProperty.

SetProperty updates a property value in memory only. The change is not persisted to the M-Files server unless SaveProperties is also called. This means that the call to SetProperty is very fast, and all changes to the object can be saved with one atomic call to SaveProperties.

SaveProperty updates a property value both in memory and on the M-Files server. Multiple calls to SaveProperty are discouraged as this will result in many calls back and forth to the server, which will adversely affect performance. Instead, call SetProperty multiple times, then call SaveProperties once all changes have been made.

SaveProperties will deal with calling SetAllProperties or SetProperties in the API as appropriate, depending on whether the class of the object is specified in the change set.

Calling SaveProperty forces the internal Properties collection to be re-loaded from the server. Any changes made to the collection (e.g. by calling SetProperty) will be lost by this call.

SetCreatedBy and SetModifiedBy

SetCreatedBy offers a shortcut mechanism to calling SetCreationInfoAdmin, allowing a user ID to be passed rather than a TypedValue.

// Where "env" is the current environment passed
// to the method.

SetModifiedBy offers a shortcut mechanism to calling SetLastModificationInfoAdmin, allowing a user ID to be passed rather than a TypedValue.

// Where "env" is the current environment passed
// to the method.

Calling SetCreatedBy or SetModifiedBy forces the internal Properties collection to be re-loaded from the server. Any changes that have not yet been persisted (e.g. calls to SetProperty) will be lost by these calls.


SetWorkflowState sets the workflow and state of an object by affecting the in-memory PropertyValues collection. Both the workflow and state are optional, but at least one must be supplied. If the workflow is not provided then it will be looked up from the state. If the state is not provided then the first state on the workflow will be used.

You must call SaveProperties after calling this method for the changes to be persisted.

Property helper methods

There are a variety of helper methods available that aid working with properties:

You must call SaveProperties after using these methods for the changes to be persisted.

Calling GetIndirectReferences will execute a search against the M-Files vault.


An in-memory representation of the object’s history can be accessed via ObjVerEx.History, which is lazy-loaded as required. The values in this collection will order from latest (first) to oldest (last).

Rolling back

An object can be rolled back by calling ObjVerEx.Rollback, and providing it with the version ID to roll back to. An optional comment can be provided if needed.

Working with files

If an object is currently a Single File Document then it must be changed to a multi-file-document before calling ReplaceFiles with multiple documents.


An in-memory representation of the object’s permissions can be accessed via ObjVerEx.Permissions, which is lazy-loaded as required.

Helper Functions

Checking in and out

Deletion and Destruction

Destruction of objects cannot be undone.

Testing user permissions


The ExpandPlaceholderText method can be used to easily parse a string containing notification placeholders and replace them with the current values. Supported placeholders include:

Not all placeholders are supported.