Visual Studio Template for building Intelligence Services


M-Files provides developers with a Visual Studio 2017/2019 template that can be used to develop Intelligent Metadata Layer Intelligence Service components using C#.

M-Files provides developers with Visual Studio 2017/2019 templates that can be used to rapidly develop Intelligent Metadata Layer Applications using C#. The template below is part of the M-Files Visual Studio Template Package, which can be downloaded from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Testing of Intelligent Metadata Layer components requires that you are running a version of M-Files that includes the IML Core licence component. This is typically not included in development licences.

Downloading the Template

The Intelligence Service template is part of the M-Files Online Visual Studio template package, which can be downloaded from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Building your first Intelligence Service

In this example we will create a basic Intelligence Service and install it into the Sample Vault, running on the local machine. Note the following differences to typical Vault Application Framework development:

Creating an application from the template

Creating a new Intelligence Service can be done from within Visual Studio by clicking File, New, Project, then selecting M-Files Intelligence Service From the list of Visual C# templates:

Creating a new project

An overview of the project contents

The project contents

The default project contains a number of items:

Creating an intelligence service

This tutorial will focus on the minimum required changes to implement a working intelligence service. To that end, the only required changes are to MyIntelligenceProvider.cs and MyTerms.cs.

Altering MyTerms

The default contents of MyTerms.cs defines no actual terms, but a term named MyTerm is commented out. Start by uncommenting the declaration, and ensure that the value is also returned when MyTerms.All is retrieved:

namespace MyCompany.MyProduct.MyIntelligenceService1
	/// <summary>
	/// Terms are used when returning suggested properties.
	/// This class is simply used to declare the terms as constants, rather than
	/// having strings manually typed everywhere.
	/// </summary>
	internal static class MyTerms
		// Terms are used when returning suggested properties.
		// TODO: Add terms as constants here.
		internal const string MyTerm = "My Term";

		public static string[] All =
			// TODO: Return all the available terms here, so they're added to the suggestions in the editor.

Altering the intelligence provider

The default intelligence provider

The only method that requires modification in MyIntelligenceProvider.cs is ExtractMetadata. This method is called automatically by the server when a new document is being added, or when the Analyse button is clicked for any existing document.

The comments within the default implementation of ExtractMetadata show how to interact with the incoming metadata request, including how to read the file contents either as a Stream, or as text (if available).

To create a basic, hard-coded suggestion, we can simply add the suggestion to the result. The code below will define a suggested value of “Suggested value” for the term “My Term”, and provide a confidence level of 1.

public MetadataResult ExtractMetadata(
	MFiles.Extensibility.Applications.IOperationContext operationContext,
	MetadataRequest request
	var result = new MetadataResult();
	result.Suggestions.Add( new TextValueMetadataSuggestion( MyTerms.MyTerm, "Suggested value", 1 ) );
	return result;

The code above creates a suggestion using the TextValueMetadataSuggestion class, which can then be placed into properties of type Text. References to other items within the current vault can be returned using the VaultReferenceMetadataSuggestion.

Building and deploying

To build and deploy the project, either select the Build menu item within Visual Studio and select Build Solution, or press F6, or press Ctrl-Shift-B. Any errors during build will be shown within the Visual Studio “Output” or “Error List” windows.

Locate the .mfappx file in the build output (/bin/Debug, or /bin/Release, by default), and use the M-Files Admin software to install it into the Applications list (right-click on the vault name and select Applications). The vault will require a restart once the application is installed.

Installing the Intelligence Service


To configure the Intelligence Service, expand the vault in the M-Files Admin software and select the Configurations node. Expanding the Intelligence Services list should show the new Intelligence Service, and selecting the Configuration tab will allow it to be configured. At a minimum, the following needs to be checked:

Configuring the Intelligence Service


To test the Intelligence Service, open the M-Files desktop client and navigate to the vault into which the Intelligence Service is installed. Add a document through any standard means (e.g. drag and drop from the desktop), and your suggestion should be shown:

The suggested value

If the suggestion is not shown then check for any build/deployment errors, or for exceptions in the Windows Event Log.


Intelligence Services can be debugged in the same manner as Vault Application Framework applications:

  1. Place a breakpoint within the code - in this case within the background operation.
  2. Select Debug and select Attach to Process
  3. Select all the MFAppPlatform.exe processes and select Attach.

Breakpoint hit

Tips and tricks

Application GUIDs

Whenever an application is created from the Visual Studio template, the <guid></guid> element in appdef.xml is automatically set to be a new Globally Unique IDentifier. This GUID is used to uniquely identify each application, as each M-Files vault can only have one application with each GUID installed.

If you manually create an appdef.xml file, or copy it from another location, you must ensure that the guid is altered to be unique. There are a number of online tools that can be used to generate GUIDs. Note that the GUID should be entered into the <guid></guid> element without braces, but with hyphens (e.g. <guid>f7fbe39a-2031-4b42-9856-05444ecce446</guid>).